



  • Harry Potter
  • Albus Dumbledore
  • Ministry of Magic
  • Dolores Umbridge
  • Wittnes
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Hermione Granger
  • Ron Weasley
  • Death Eater
  • Sirius Black
  • Voldemort
  • Bellatrix
The fifth year Harry Potter in the Hogwarts more taut. Before the new class begain Dementors the guart of Azkaban prison attack Harry Potter and his cousin, Dudley Dursley. Harry shock when Dementors suddenly emerge in the Little Whinging near uncle Vernon Dursley and aunt Petunia Dursley’s house in Privet Drive. Harry’s actions to remove Dementors with Patronus charm cause fatal concequence. Harry get at monition from Ministry of Magic because do magic in front of Muggle. Albus Dumbledore sent some Aurors to pick up Harry in Privet Drive directly for to attend the meeting. 

Ministry of Magic: “Disciplinary hearing of the 12th of August, into offences commited by Harry James Potter. Resident at number 4 Privet Drive, Whinging. Interrogators : Cornelius Oswald Fudge…..”

Albus Dumbledore: “Witness for Defense”

Ministry of Magic: “Albus Pervical Wulfrick…”

Albus Dumbledore: “Brian Dumbledore”

Ministry of Magic: “You got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed, did you?”

Albus Dumbledore: “I must have missed it. But by a happy mistake. I arrived at the Ministry 3 hours early. The charges?”

Ministry of Magic: “The charges against the accused are as follows that he did knowingly and in full awareness of the illegality of his actions, produce a Patronus charm in the presence of a Muggle. Do you deny producing said Patronus?”

Harry Potter: “No, but…..”

Ministry of Magic: “And you were aware that you ware forbidden to use magic outside school while under the age of 17?”

Harry Potter: “Yes, I was, but…..”

Ministry of Magic: “Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot”

Harry Potter: “I was only doing it because of the Dementors”

Dolores Umbridge: “Dementors? In Little Whinging?”

Ministry of Magic: “That’s quite clever. Muggles can’t see Dementors, can they boy? Highly convenient”

Harry Potter: “I’m not lying. There were two of them and if I hadn’t…..”

Ministry of Magic: “Enough, I’m sorry to interrupt what I’m sure would have been a very well reheased story, but since you can produce no witness of the event”

Albus Dumbledore: “Pardon me, minister. But as it happens, we can”

Ministry of Magic: “Please describe the attack. What did they look like?”

Witness: “Well, one of them was very large and the other rather skin”

Ministry of Magic: “Not the boys. The Dementors”

Witness: “Oh right. Well, big, cloacked. Then everything went cold as though all the happiness had gone from the world”

Ministry of Magic: “Now, look here. Dementors don’t just wonder into a muggle suburban and happen a cross a wizard the odds are astronomical”

Albus Dumbledore: “I don’t think anyone would believe that the Dementors were there by coincidence, minister”

Dolores Umbridge: “I’m sure, I must have misunderstood you, professor. Dementors are, after all, under the control of the ministry of magic and it’s so silly of me, but it sounded for a moment as though. You were suggesting that the ministry had ordered the attack on this boy”

Albus Dumbledore: “That would be disturbing in dead madam undersecretary, which is why I’m sure the Ministry will be mointing a full scale inquiry into why the two Dementors were so very far from Azkaban and why they mounted an attack without authorization of coure, there is someone who might be behind the attack. Please Cornelius, I implore you to see reason. The evidence that the dark lord has  returned is in controvertible.

Ministry of Magic: “He’s not back. In the matter of Harry Potter and law clearly states that magic maybe used before muggles in life threatening situations. Laws can be changed if necessary, Dumbledore”

Albus Dumledore: “Clearly, has it become practice to hold a full criminal trial to deal with a simple matter of underage magic”

Ministry of Magic: “Those in favor of conviction?” (Only Dolores Umbridge and Minister raise their hands) “Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?” (All people raise their hands except Dolores Umbridge and Minister) Cleared of all charges.

Harry Potter: “Professor, Professor Dumbledore, Professor…..” (Dumledore out from court without regard to Harry)

Finaly Harry not be guilty and can study at Hogwarts again.

Luna Lovegood: “Hai Harry….”

Harry Potter: “Hai” (With confused faces)

Hermione Granger: “Everyone, this is Lonely Love……..Luna Lovegood. What an interesting necklace”

Luna Lovegood: “It’s a charm actually. Keeps away the Nargles. Hungry, I hope there’s Pudding”

Ron Weasley: “What’s a Nargles?”

Hermione Granger: “No idea”

After this conversation, they go to the auditorium for dinner and there metting in the new year.

Albus Dumbledore: “Good evening, Children. In this year, we have our new defense against the Dark Arts Teacher. Professor Dolores Umbridge”

Harry Potter: “She was at my hearing. She works for Cornelius”

Dolores Umbridge: ”(Giggle) Thank you, headmaster for those kind words of Welcome. Well, the ministry of magic has always considered, the education of young witches and wizard to be of vital importance. Althogh each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school progress for the sake of progress mus be discouraged. Let us preserve what can be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited”

Albus Dumbledore: “Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating”

Harry Potter: “What’s it mean?”

Hermione Granger: “It means the Ministry’s interfering at Hogwarts”

After dinner, all of  students go to their each common rooms. In their to much students who expel Harry , because there are negative news about Harry and Dumbledore. Next day, Harry and all af Hogwarts student a receive OWL practice which Professor Dolores Umbridge became a tutor.

Dolores Umbridge: “Good morning children. Today we study for prepare OWL test. Study hard and you will be rewarded fail to do so. Please, open your book.

Hermione Granger: (Raise her hand)

Dolores Umbridge: “Yes?”

Hermione Granger: “There’s nothing in here about using defensive spells?”

Dolores Umbridge: “Using spells? Well, I can’t imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom”

Parvati Patil: “We’re not gonna use magic?”

Dolores Umbridge: “You’ll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free away”

Harry Potter: “What use is that? If we’re attacked, it won’t be risk free”

Dolores Umbridge: “Students will raise their hands when they speak in myclass. It is the view of the ministry of magic that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient, to get you through you examinations which, after all, is what school is all about”

Harry Potter: “And how’s theory supposed to prepare us for what’s out there?”

Dolores Umbridge: “There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like your self?”

Harry Potter: “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe Lord Voldemort”

Dolores Umbridge: “Now, let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is lie”

Harry Potter: “It’s not a lie. I saw him. I fought him”

Dolores Umbridge: “Detention, Mr.Potter”

Harry Potter: “Cedric Digorry dropped dead af his own accord”

Dolores Umbridge: “Cedric Diggory death was a tragic accident”

Harry Potter: “That was murder. Voldemort killed him”

Dolores Umbridge: “Enough !! Enough Potter !! See me later, in my office”

Finally Harry met Professor Dolores Umbridge and Harry got punishment except that Ministry of Magic gave school authority to Dolores Umbridge this matter made Dolores hold the power so that Dolores improve Hogwarts rules. In the night Harry got nightmare, he run in a dark corridor and the door was lock in Ministry of Magic. Sirius Black send message that Harry must be careful because he was danger because of that Harry made Dumbledore’s Army actually Voldemort ableto gorrito Harry’s mind and Voldemort threaten Sirius Black to give him Prediction the Harry save Sirius Black directly.

Hermione Granger: “How do you get away?”

Luna Lovegood: “Puking Pastilles”

Ron Weasley: “So, how are we getting to London”

Harry Potter: “Look, it’s not that I don’t appreciate averything you’ve done. All of you but I’ve got you into enough trouble as it is”

Ron Weasley: “Dumbledore’s Army’s supposed to be about doing something real or was that all just words to you”

Hermione Granger: “Maybe you don’t have to do this all by yourself, mate”

(Silence for a while)

Harry Potter: “So, how are we going to get to London?”

Luna Lovegood: “We fly of course, with Nargles”

Finally Dumledore’s Army arrived at Ministry of Magic, London.

Harry Potter: “He should be there”

Ron Weasley: “Harry, it’s got your name on it”

Crystal Ball: “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches and the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not for neither can live while the other survives”

Hermione Granger: “Harry……”

Harry Potter: “Where’s Sirius?”

Death Eater: “You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you see, Now, hand me the prophecy”

Harry Potter: “If you do anything to us. I’ll break it”

Bellatrix Lestrange: “(Laughing out loud) He knows how to play. Itty, Bitty, Baby, Potter”

Ron Weasley: “Bellatrix Lestrange”

Bellatrix Lestrange: “Ron Weasley, is it? How’s Mom and Dad?”

Ron Weasley: “Better, now they’re about to be avenged”

( Bellatrix Lestrange and Ronald Weasley brandishing Wand each other)

Death Eater: “Now, let’s everybody just calm down, shall we? All we want is that prophecy”

Harry Potter: “Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?”

Bellatrix Lestrange: “You dare speak his name? You Filthy Half Blood”

Death Eater: “It’s all right. He just a curious lad, aren’t you? Prophecycan only are made. Haven’t you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don’t you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do give it to me. Then I can show you everything.

Harry Potter: “I’ve waited 14 years”

Death Eater: “I know”

Harry Potter: “I guess I can wait a little longer. Now !!”

  Dumbledore’s Army: “STUPEFY!!!!!”

Luna Lovegood: “Levicorpus”

Ron Weasley: “Petrificus Totalus”

Luna Lovegood: “Well done, Ron”

Harry Potter: “Stupefy”

Hermione Granger: “Stupefy”

Ron Weasley: “Stupefy”

Harry Potter: “Stupefy”

Luna Lovegood: “Reducto”

Harry Potter: “Get back to the door !!”

Ron Weasley: “Department of Mysteries. They got that be right, didn’t they?”

Harry Potter: “The voices, can you tell what they’re saying?”

Hermione Granger: “There aren’t any voices, Harry. Let’s get out of here”

Luna Lovegood: “I hear them too”

Hermione Granger: “Harry, it’s just an empety archway. Please, Harry”

Harry Potter: “Get behind me !!”

Death Eater: “Did you actually believe or were you truly nalve enoughto think that children stood a chance against us? I’ll make this simple for your, Potter. Give me the Prophecy now or watch your friends die”

Ron Weasley: “Don’t give it to him, Harry”

(Sirius Black and the other Order Phoenix came)

Sirius Black: “Get away from my godson. Now, listen to me. Take the others and get out of here”

Harry Potter: “What? No, I’m staying with you”

Sirius Black: “You’ve done beautifully. Now, let me take it from here”

Death Eater: “Black !!”

(Throw each other spell)

Harry Potter: “Expelliarmus”

Sirius Black: “Nice one, James”

Bellatrix Lestrange: “Avada Kedavra”

(Sirius died instantly and his body turned into smoke)

Harry Potter: “No, No, No !!”

Bellatrix Lestrange: “(Laughing out load) I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black. You coming to get me”

Harry Potter: “Crucio”

Lord Voldemort: “You’ve got to mean it, Harry. She killed him. She deserves it. You know the spell, Harry. Do it. (Laugh) So Weak”

(Albus Dumbledore came)

Albus Dumbledore: “It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way. By which time I shall be gone.

Lord Voldemort: “And you shall be be dead”

There was a great battle and Lord Voldemort come in to Harry’s soul

Harry Potter (Voldemort): “You’ve lost, old man”

Albus Dumbledore: “Harry?”

Lord Voldemort: “So weak, so vulnerable. Look at me”

Albus Dumbledore: “Harry, it isn’t how you are alike. It how you are not. Hary?”

Harry Potter: “You’re the weak one and you’ll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you”

(Voldemort out of the Harry’s soul)

Lord Voldemort: “You’re a fool, Harry Potter. And you will lose everything”

(Aurors came)

Minister (Fudge): “He’s back”

Finally Ministry of Magic know if the Dark Lord is back and was cleanly name 
of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter. Except that Dolores Umbridge not 
hold handle authority again.

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